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Seo - what is this?

Seo - what is this?
Seo optimization and promotion of the site
Let's talk about what Seo (Search Engine Optimization) like Seo-optimization (external and internal) can literally create miracles in promoting the site and answer the question why it is not worthwhile to neglect Seo in any way.
Seo - what is it and how it affects the promotion of your site.
Seo (Search Engine Optimization) is the main weapon in place in TOP 10. By and large, this is the art of getting to the first page of issue of Yandex or Google for the search query that is right for you.
The fight for TOP 10 is not a joke and any "white" methods of Seo-optimization, which can drag the weight of the weights into their own side, are used indispensably. In general, the situation is very similar to how it is depicted in the picture:
Seo - what is this

Now that's why you need to get specialists to promote your site.

There are only a few reasons:

  1. Internal optimization text, headers, tag target, duplicate content removal, and so on.
  2. External Seo - Getting free and paid ways of incoming links to your site.
  3. Usability and quality of content - to get adequate user behavior on your site and in the delivery of search engines, which will be typical for your topics.

The first two groups of factors are aimed at attracting the maximum number of visitors from the search engines (due to the promotion of the Top 10 on the required requests), but the third group of Seo factors is aimed at retaining the conquered positions.

In fact, the third is the most labor-intensive in its provision. You need to have really useful and interesting user materials, the creation of which will have to spend a huge amount of his own time. Remember that only unique content is important now, but it's not copyspace (copied content). For this, search engines can impose sanctions in the form of a filter or ban.

Your resource, in addition to good Seo optimization, must meet certain technical requirements of search engines (prohibition of indexing of duplicate pages, correct server response codes, etc.). Did you think about the correctness of creating Url addresses on your site? And 301 redirects from WWW without WWW (or vice versa) configured? Are your site (aptam) available? Periodic inaccessibility can undo all your efforts.

Of course, there are ways to get traffic besides the search engine and we know the following . Attracting visitors to the site is a very effective promotion tool. You will not be able to create so many announcements and have such incredible activity to attract thousands of visitors without the help of the Seo specialists.

Again, we draw your attention to the fact that now in the Top 10 almost no slag or he is there for a long time not delayed. But good sites are much more than 10 and therefore there is a struggle for Top, the main weapon which acts Seo in all its glory. If you do not participate in this fight, then "places under the sun" will not get you.

Do you think that you can deal with the issue of attracting visitors without optimization? It is possible that from some queries and you will achieve results, but in a huge amount of queries and stay in the invisible zone for your potential readers, even though your content will be good. Until the search engines become perfect, you will lose potential audience by neglecting Seo technologies.

You can say that not only these sites live, because there are also social networks Facebook, vkontakte, google plus, microblogging service Twitter, etc. things (thematic social, for example, or all the same postal subscriptions to Subscribe). We are in a hurry to disappoint you, because advancing in these societies is not as easy as it seems at first glance and it is necessary to trust the specialists, because they know the "pitfalls" on which you can stumble and how to avoid it.

Search engines daily process hundreds of millions of user queries and each of them should publish a relevant list of sites from the Internet. It's not possible to do this manually, so this honorary duty performs work (programs). Well, work can always be misleading. Remember how Yandex explained the work of his Matrixnet on an example of apples?

The robot can not try an apple, but can evaluate them by hundreds of other parameters. Apples are specially trained people - assessors. They endorse their verdict by trying a small amount of apples, and the robot thoroughly examines them and already on the basis of the accumulated data he will be able to distinguish between the grain and the hollow. And what about Seo here?

And optimizers are just trying to find the same points of influence, by clicking on which you can improve the ranking of your project (to climb Top 10). If a robot uses multi-hundred parameters when ranking, then affecting at least a part of them, you can significantly improve the progress of your site. This means moving towards the first place of search execution for the desired query.

Another very important factor in internal SEO optimization is the implementation of switching, and not plugins and extensions, namely context links from the body of articles (as, for example, in this publication). You know why you need it?

Internal links on Seo have exactly the same effect as external ones, transmit static weight, and when ranking, search engines take into account the anchor (s) of these links.

The behavior of users on the site and in the search is now taken into account by all search engines, and this aspect is able to override all your efforts on SEO optimization. It is not enough to get into the Top 10, there still need to refrain.

That is, you should understand that Seo really works and not use it would be a big mistake. Your potential readers who will not be able to find your great site through Yandex or Google will not forgive you. It's not enough to create a good project with unique and necessary content; it must necessarily be promoted to Top 10 at least in a series of not very frequent queries to start attracting the attention of readers.

Seo - what is this?
Did you think about the correctness of creating Url addresses on your site?
And 301 redirects from WWW without WWW (or vice versa) configured?
Are your site (aptam) available?
Remember how Yandex explained the work of his Matrixnet on an example of apples?
And what about Seo here?
You know why you need it?